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From monthly archives: July 2024

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'July 2024'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

Financial Planning for Your Child’s Future

Early investments provide a significant head start, leveraging the power of compound interest over the years. This financial support can cover future educational expenses, help them buy their first home, or establish a solid foundation for their own financial independence.

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IHT-Friendly Investments for Inheritance Tax Planning

Navigating the complexities of Inheritance Tax (IHT) planning in the UK can be daunting, yet understanding how to strategically use investments and pensions for this purpose is crucial for anyone looking to manage their estate effectively.

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Environmental, Social, and Governance Investing

In recent years, ESG investing in the UK has transitioned from a niche interest to a mainstream strategy, reflecting a growing consensus among investors that financial returns need not come at the expense of societal welfare and environmental sustainability.

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Standard & Purchased Life Annuities in the UK

Navigating the landscape of retirement planning in the UK, one encounters various investment vehicles designed to secure a stable financial future. Among these, annuities stand out for their promise of consistent income. However, the taxation of annuities remains a complex area, often leading to confusion among retirees.

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Inheritance Tax for Married Couples

Inheritance Tax planning is a pivotal aspect of financial management for married couples in the UK, aimed at maximising the amount they can pass on to their heirs tax-free. Understanding and navigating the complexities of inheritance tax is crucial for effective estate planning.

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